One Thousand Episodes Approaching (part one)

Well, here we are, just about one month away from being the first Podcast on iTunes to hit the 1,000 episode mark! It has been an enormous amount of fun, and the experience of discovering so many classic American Humorists has really been enriching for me, to say the least.

How about you? 

Have you been listening to a lot of these stories? Any favorites? Any suggestions? I would like to make this Blog a place where we can discuss anything and everything that goes on in the Basement, and your comments are most welcome. Keep coming back here for fresh commentary, and an occasional contest with nifty prizes.

Meanwhile, do keep your eyes peeled for Episode #1000, which will be an in-depth look at the life, career, and writing of Stanley Huntley! We have been featuring Huntley's stories every Sunday for over a year now, and have managed to dig up more Spoopendyke stories than we thought existed when we began.

How do you feel about Stanley Huntley's work? Is the humor too cynical? Too mean-spirited? Do you spit out your beverage while listening from unexpectedly laughing?

Please post your comments below.
